dua for love

Dua to get love back in 3 days

Dua for love

Dua to get love back in 3 days is so effective if you want to make someone love you back soon. This dua can also help you make your ex come back to you. Thus, Duajoo introduces some duas to get love back in 3 days. The duas to get love back in 3 days are dua to make someone love you back, dua to get your true love back, dua to make your ex come back, and most powerful dua for love back.

Dua to make someone love you back in 3 days

One of the situations that you can read dua to get love back in 3 days is the time when you want to make someone love you back. To do so, you should make a Niyyah to make someone love you back and, then, read the following duas and wazifas.

Niyyah to make someone love you back in 3 days

Al-Baqi, thank You for hearing a dua about getting love back in 3 days to make a specific person love me back. Ar-Rahim, I recite this dua because I want to make him/her love me back and miss me as much as I do. Al-Mubdi, I trust You and sincerely ask You to grant me Your patience so that I can follow Your teachings and meet my Hajat. Al-Hayy, bless me with Your wisdom so that I can speak in a way that makes my true love come back to me. (To read more duas see dua to make someone love you back.)

Surahs and wazifas to make someone love you back in 3 days

1. First, make fresh wudu.
2. Next, recite Durood e Sharif 11 times.
3. Then, read “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times.
5. Then, Durood e Sharif 11 times.
6. Finally, ask Holy Allah to make him/her love you back.
7. Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat soon.

Dua to get love back in 3 days and make your true love come back

One of the aims of reciting dua to get love back in 3 days is that it helps you to get your true love back. To read this dua, first, you have to make a Niyyah to get your true love back and, then, start reading the wazifas as described below.

Niyyah to get love back in 3 days and make your true love come back

Al-Baseer, You are the mightiest Redeemer who always helps me. Thank You, Al-Mobin, for hearing a dua about getting love back in 3 days and make true love come back. Al-Mubdi, I read this dua wholeheartedly all day long because s/he is my ideal partner. Al-Aziz, I ask You to bless me with Your faith and patience so that I can improve my personality in such a way that my true love will fall in love with me when s/he meets me again. Al-Aziz, help me to be a righteous partner for him/her so that s/he will put trust in me. Al-Kareem, help me get my true love back and have a strong relationship with him/her. (To read more duas see dua to get your true love back.)

Surahs and wazifas to get love back in 3 days and make your true love come back

1. First, perform ablution and wear clean clothes.
2. Next, read Durood e Sharif eleven times.
3. Then, recite Ayat Al Kursi 7 times while imagining your true love.
4. After that, read Durood e Sharif 3 times.
5. Do this wazifa regularly for 41 days.
6. Finally, pray to Mighty Allah and ask Him to make him/her come back to you.
7. Inshallah, you will get what you want in no time.

Dua to get love back in 3 days and make your ex come back

Another reason for reading dua to get love back in 3 days is the time when you want to make your ex come back. To meet your needs, you need to make a Niyyah to get your ex come back and, then, read the following duas.

Niyyah to get love back in 3 days and make your ex come back

Al-Wahab, thank You for listening to a dua about getting love back in 3 days to make ex come back. As-Salam, I want to make my ex come back to me because I’m still in love with him/her. Al-Aziz, I ask You to bless me and my ex with Your love and compassion so that we will restart our relationship. Al-Hakeem, give me patience so that I can wait for the time s/he comes back to me. (To read more duas see dua to make your ex come back.)

Surahs and wazifas to get love back in 3 days and make your ex come back

1. First, perform ablution.
2. Next, read Durood e Sharif 3 times.
3. Then, recite “Ya Wadudu” 101 times while imagining your ex.
4. After that, recite Durood e Sharif 3 times.
5. Finally, ask Almighty Allah to make your ex come back to you soon.
6. Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat.

The most powerful dua for love back in 3 days

One of the benefits of reading dua to get love back in 3 days is that it helps you to make someone love you. To get this dua answered, you need to make a Niyyah for love back. Then read the related wazifas explained later in this article.

Niyyah for love back in 3 days

Al-Bar, thank You for listening to a powerful dua for love back. AL-Basir, I miss him/her and think of him/her all day long. The only thing I ask of You, Al-Muhaymin, is that you make him/her love me and think of me. Al-Hafiz, bless me with Your faith and guidance so that I can behave in a way that makes him/her fall in love with me and marry me. Al-Qaffar, answer my dua and help me wait patiently for him/her to express his/her love for me. (To read more duas see the most powerful dua for love back.)

Surahs and wazifas for love back in 3 days

1. First, perform wudu.
2. Next, read Durood e Shareef 11 times.
3. Then recite Ayat Al Kursi 7 times wholeheartedly.
4. Again, read Durood e Shareef 11 times.
5. Perform this wazifa at any time of the day.
6. Finally, ask Holy Allah to accept your dua.
7. Inshallah you will meet your Hajat soon.

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