dua for love

Dua to make someone talk to you

Dua for love

Dua to make someone talk to you is great for those times when you want to make someone contact you and do what you want. More than that, reading this dua can help you make someone think of you and miss you. This is why Duajoo shares some effective duas with you that help you to make him/her talk to you. The duas to make someone talk to you are dua to make someone think of you, dua to make someone miss you, dua to make someone contact you, and dua to make someone do what you want.

Dua to make someone think of you and talk to you

One of the reasons why you need to read dua to make someone talk to you is that it helps you to make the person you love think of you. To get this dua answered, first you should make a Niyyah to make him/her think of you. Then, start reading the wazifas as explained in what follows.

Niyyah to make someone think of you and talk to you

Ar-Ra’oof, you are the only source of peace, love, and affection in my life, so you are the only one who can be worth it to hear the dua to make someone think of you. Al-Waali, I love him/her with all my heart and I’m always thinking about him/her because I believe s/he is the right one for me. Al-Ahad, Let your holy spirit guide him/her and reveal things to him/her from Your Holy Light so that s/he can think of me and talk to me. Al-Muhyi, grant me wisdom to stay committed to my ultimate goal.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone think of you and talk to you

1- First, Make wudu.
2- Then, recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
3- Then, read verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times while thinking about him/her.
4- Finally, ask Allah to make him/her think of you.
5- Perform this wazifa after Fajr Namaaz for 21 days.
6- Inshallah s/he will start thinking of you the way you like it.

Dua to make someone miss you and talk to you

One of the reasons why you need to read a dua to make someone talk to you is when you want to make him/her think about you and miss you. Keep in mind that, to get this dua answered, you need to make a Niyyah to make him/her miss you and talk to you. Then, read the related wazifas explained below.

Niyyah to make someone miss you and talk to you

Almighty Allah, no one knows how to help me during hard times, so I’d like to rely on Your Holy Perspective and ask you to listen to the dua to make someone miss you. Al-Adl, I love him/her and I feel depressed when s/he is not by my side because we shared moments of love and joy with a fiery passion. Al-Lateef, Let him/her understand and help him/her to remember those good old days and miss me so that s/he will think of me again. Al-Fattaah, show me how to impress him/her when s/he misses me so I can make him/her talk to me.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone miss you and talk to you

1- Perform wudu.
2- Sit in a tidy place, preferably where you perform Namaaz.
3- And recite: Ya Wadoodo-Ya Lateefu 111 times.
4- Recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
5- Recite verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times while imagining that person.
6- In the end, ask Allah to make him/her miss you.
7- Inshallah s/he will contact you and tell you that s/he is missing you a lot.

Dua to make someone contact you and talk to you

Another reason for reading dua to make someone talk to you is that it helps you to make him/her contact you. So, let’s make a Niyyah, first, to make him/her contact you and talk to you. Then, start to read the following wazifas.

Niyyah to make someone contact you and talk to you

Al-‘Aleem, thank You for listening to dua to make someone contact you. Al-Mu’izz, I love him/her very much because I think s/he is the best companion for me. Al-Aziz, I ask you to help him/her to think of me and our relationship so that s/he will miss me again and find my love as an unlimited source of comfort. Al- Muhaymin, grant me Divine Wisdom to find the best way to make him/her contact me and talk to me.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone contact you and talk to you

1- First, perform wudu.
2- Then, recite Durood E Sharif 3 times.
3- After that, read the following wazifa 10 times:
“La Ilaha Illallah, Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu, Lahul-Mulku Wa Lahul-Hamdu, Yuhyi Wa Yumitu, Wa Huwa Ala Kulli Shai’in Qadir.”
4- Next, read Dorood e Ebrahimi 3 times.
5- Then, read verse 9 of Surah Al Imran 201 times.
6- In the end, pray to Allah and ask Him to make him/her fall in love with you and contact you.
7- Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat soon.

Dua to make someone talk to you and do what you want

One of the situations that you need to read a dua to make someone talk to you is when you want to make him/her do what you want. To read this dua, you need to make a Niyyah, first, to make him/her do what you want and, then, read the following Quranic surahs and verses based on the instructions explained later in this article.

Niyyah to make someone talk to you and do what you want

Al-Mueed, You are exalted in power and beyond our reach. Almighty Allah, there is no power beyond you to listen to the dua to make someone do what you want. Al-Ba’ith, I want him/ her to respect me and care about my feelings when I ask him/her to do what I want, but s/he doesn’t talk to me like before and, sometimes, s/he ignores whatever I tell him/her. Al-‘Alee, please make things plain, clear, and easy to understand and help him/her to distinguish right from wrong so that s/he can talk to me and do what I want just as before. Al-Ghafoor, Grant me wisdom to make him/her talk to me again and care about my feelings so that s/he will do what I want. Al-Hayy, help me to control my emotions and behave properly.

Surahs and wazifas to make someone talk to you and do what you want

1- First, perform ablution and recite “Inna Allah Yusmiyu Mayyashao,” during ablution.
2- Then, read verse 22 of surah Fatir 111 times.
3- After that, blow it on an apple and give it to him/her to eat it.
4- In the end, ask Allah to help him/her to talk to you and do what you want.
5- Perform this wazifa after Isha Namaaz
6- Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat and s/he will do what you want.

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