If you have been in a long-term relationship with the love of your life, then dua to convince someone for marriage can play an important role in persuading your partner to marry you. Moreover, this dua can make your significant other love you forever. Therefore, we are going to share with you some of the most powerful duas to convince someone for marriage here, in Duajoo. The duas to convince someone for marriage are dua to get married soon, dua to marry someone of your choice, dua to make someone love you, and dua to make someone marry you.
Dua to convince someone for marriage and get married soon
One of the reasons why you need to read dua to convince someone for marriage is that you can convince the person you love marry you. So, let’s make a Niyyah, first, to convince him/her for marriage and get married soon. Then, start reading the following wazifas.
Niyyah to convince someone for marriage and get married soon
Al- Muhaymin, thank You for allowing me to read a dua about convincing someone for marriage so I can get married soon. Al-Mu’izz, I love him/her and I want to marry him/her because I think s/he is my soul mate and we would be a perfect match for one another. Al-Aziz, let your holy spirit guide him/her and lead him/her into Your Truth so that s/he can love me and miss me when I’m not by his/her side. Al-‘Aleem, teach me to use the blessings of love and kindness that you have given me so that I can make him/her propose to me. (To read more dua see dua to get married soon.)
Surahs and wazifas to convince someone for marriage and get married soon
1. First, perform ablution.
2. Next, recite Durood e Shareef 100 times.
3. Then, recite Bismillah 19 times without pause.
4. After that, read verse 129 from the Surah Tauba 1100 times.
5. Once again, recite Bismillah 19 times.
6. Perform this wazifa for a month.
7. Finally, ask Almighty Allah to make the person you love marry you.
Dua to convince someone for marriage and marry someone of your choice
Another reason why you need to read dua to convince someone for marriage is that it paves the way for you to marry someone of your choice. In order to get this dua answered, first you should make a Niyyah to marry the person you want. Then, start to read duas and wazifas as explained in what follows.
Niyyah to convince someone for marriage and marry someone of your choice
Al-Muhyi, You are the only source of peace, love and affection in my life, so You are the only one who can listen to the dua about convincing someone for marriage so I can marry someone of my choice. Al-Waali, I love him/her with all my heart and I’m always thinking of him/her because I believe s/he is the best companion for me. Al-Ahad, Let Your Holy Spirit guide him/her to think of me and bless him/her with Your Divine Wisdom so that s/he can fall in love with me and marry me. Ar-Ra’oof, may Your Holy Spirit bless me with wisdom to stay committed to my ultimate goal. (To read more dua see dua to marry someone of your choice.)
Surahs and wazifas to convince someone for marriage and marry someone of your choice
1. First, perform wudu.
2. Next, Place a sugar cube in a cup of water and recite “Vaduz Omar Allah ill lahi Omni POTUS volant is Solaris tamayah mayantey Amin ur adaal.” 351 times.
3. Then, recite Durood e Shareef 3 times.
4. After that, recite “ya ra oofo” 101 times.
5. Once again, read Durood e Shareef 3 times.
6. Now drink that cup of water while thinking about your niyyah.
7. You shoud recite “Ya Wadodoo” after Fajr Namaz every day.
8. Start performing this wazifa on a Thursday and do it regularly for 24 days.
9. Finally, pray for your niyyah and ask Almighty Allah to help you marry the person of your choice.
10. Inshallah you will meet your Hajat soon.
Dua to convince someone for marriage and make someone love you
One of the benefits of reading dua to convince someone for marriage is that it helps you to make someone fall in love with you. And to read this dua, first, you have to make a Niyyah to make someone love you and, then, start reading the duas as explained below.
Niyyah to convince someone for marriage and make someone love you
Al-Muqeet, You are the only one who can help me and listen to a dua about convincing someone for marriage to make him/her fall in love with me. Al-Baatin, I love him/her a lot because I think s/he’s my perfect match and, for this reason, I’m always thinking of him/her as my future husband/wife. Al-Baseer, I want him/her to think of me and fall in love with me, but I think s/he doesn’t care about me at all. Al-Ahad, Let Your Holy Spirit guide him/her to think of me and reveal things to him/her in such a way that s/he can fall in love with me and marry me. Al-Muhyi, grant me wisdom to communicate my love and commitment to him/her so I can convince him/her to marry me. (To read more dua see dua to make someone love you.)
Surahs and wazifas to convince someone for marriage and make someone love you
1- First, take a shower.
2- Next, recite “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times.
4- Then, read Durood e Shareef 11 times.
5- After that, read the following dua 10 times:
“Allahu qaafi waah neeh immaal waah aala hamdu qafiniyaal omaar tomaass romaanaty domantaas goddey kiife Jodi”
6- Finally, ask Allah Talah to put your love in his/her heart.
7- Perform this dua for 21 days
8- Inshallah, s/he will fall in love with you soon.
Dua to convince someone for marriage and make someone marry you
Another benefit of reading dua to convince someone for marriage is the time when you want to make someone marry you. To do so, you need to make a Niyyah, first, to make someone of your choice mad in love with you and marry you. Then, read the following wazifas based on the instructions explained below.
Niyyah to convince someone for marriage and make someone marry you
Al-Mueed, today I bow before Your Greatness and confess that there is no power beyond You to listen to a dua about convincing someone for marriage to make him/her marry me. Al-Ba’ith, I think about him/ her and miss him/her because I want him/her to be my husband/wife because, for me, there’s nothing better than marrying him/her. Al-‘Alee, please make things plain, clear, and easy to understand so that s/he can distinguish right from wrong when s/he falls in love with me and decides to marry me. Al-Ghafoor, no one else in this world would understand me the way you do, so bless me with Your Wisdom so that I can make him/her fall in love with me and marry me. (To read more duas see dua to make someone marry you.)
Surahs and wazifas to convince someone for marriage and make someone marry you
1. First, perform ablution.
2. Next, recite Durood-e-Shareef 11 times.
3. Then, recite the holy name ‘Allah’ for 313 times.
4. And, again, read Durood-e-Shareef 11 times.
5. Perform this wazifa after daily prayers (Namaz) for 41 consecutive days.
6. Inshallah, Holy Allah will help you meet your needs very soon.
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Dua to get married to a specific person
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